As online shopping becomes increasingly popular, retailers are looking for new ways to make it easier for customers to find and purchase the products they’re looking for. One promising technology is AI-powered image search, which allows shoppers to enter an image of something they’re looking for and receive a list of exact and similar matches.

According to Invesp, 74% of online shoppers believe text-based search is ineffective, and 72% say they regularly or always search for visual content before making a purchase. This consumer demand is driving the growth of the global visual search market, which is projected to reach almost $15 million by 2023, according to Predictly. Gartner also predicts that companies who adapt quickly and redesign their websites to support visual search will see a 30% increase in their digital revenue in 2021.

Major players like Amazon are already investing in this technology. In 2019, they launched StyleSnap, an AI-powered image search feature that allows shoppers to find fashion and home-decor items by using an image or screenshot. This feature not only helps customers find what they’re looking for but also fuels influencers who post their fashion finds on social media.

At iMAGED, we’re proud to offer our SDK, which enables retailers to create products and reference images that visually describe each product from a set of viewpoints. By adding these products to OpenSearch and Amazon Elasticsearch with our SDK, retailers can improve their product search capabilities and provide customers with more accurate results.

Our demo video showcases how our product search use case works. When users enter their own images, our SDK applies machine learning to analyze the image and compare it with the images in the retailer’s product database. It then returns a ranked list of visually and semantically similar results, making it easier for shoppers to find and purchase what they’re looking for.

By embracing AI-powered image search, retailers can improve the shopping experience for their customers and increase their digital revenue. Contact us to learn more about our SDK and how it can help your business.